Why do only Porsche Partner Companies can access the API portal?
We do not offer any public APIs; in addition, access to the portal enables access to the sensitive data that requires contractual protection.
By only giving partner companies access, we ensure that the APIs are only used for services offered by Porsche AG or its subsidiaries.
Who can become a Porsche Partner Company?
Here you will find all information on how to become a partner company.
In order to be allowed to cooperate with the VW Group and thus also with Porsche AG, various conditions must be met. An overview of the conditions for the cooperation can be found on the VW Group Supply Portal.
Further information on how to register as a partner can be found here.
I’m a Porsche Partner Company, but I’m unsure how to proceed:
Would you like to get access to Porsche APIs? Then you've come to the right place. Our integration team is here to help and advise you. Please describe your use case and why you need access to our API developer portal as specifically as possible. Our integration team will guide you through the onboarding process.
Please reach out to: touchpoint-integration-porsche-id@porsche.de